So remember when I said I met up with a e-friend? Well, here she is! We "met" via the instagram app on iphones through mutual e-friends and now we are real life friends. Make sense? I think she is awesome, and consider her a great friend. We try and meet up and play about once a week, we have girls the same ages (some only a few days apart) and its a tutu-princess-sparkly party every time we do.
Here is Hayley!:
I'm Hayley. I live up here in Arkansas with my
Here is our Tuesday. Enjoy.

First things first, my previously mentioned husband gets up with my oldest to help get her off to full-day Kindergarten. He usually does the breakfast and keeps her going so they aren't late. I jump up and make her lunch just before they head out the door.

If the other two are up he gets them breakfast too (I told ya he's amazing). At some point in this morning madness I am usually nursing our baby in bed. My 4 year old loves snuggles after breakfast so once everything is settled down we get cozy on the couch together.

Dance class is at 10am on Tues mornings so after dressing, hair do's, diaper changes, and making myself look presentable we are out the door.

Gigi (2) is quite the stinker at class today and refuses to participate until the parachute comes out, meanwhile I reconsider even bringing her to class, but I know she'll throw a fit if she isn't involved with Greta (4).

After class we head to a friends house for lunch/play date. Also, the momma's catch up on some trash TV.

Back home around 1pm we try to do some chores before picking up Ava from Kindergarten. Diapers are changed again, baby nursed, laundry put away, and dishes are done.

I also plan out what we are going to have for dinner. I bought some leeks that need to be eaten up.

I also plan out what we are going to have for dinner. I bought some leeks that need to be eaten up.

Turns out it's a beautiful day. I check out the weather and do a little Instagram-ing on my phone while we wait in line to pick her up.

Back home Baby Rosie is fed and put down to nap while Greta goes to timeout for being a little to aggressive, i.e. hitting.

We decide to enjoy the 60+ degree weather and ride bikes for a bit then make some cookies for dessert. They are super easy and my helpers practically do all the work. Too bad they also make a terrible mess.

Around 6pm that great guy comes home.

And dinner is served.

Then baths are given and the children are put to bed with a story and kiss.
Yay! I think. We survived another one!

Yay! I think. We survived another one!

To wind down I post on my blog, read my book, and finally crash with my husband for the night...
until 2:30am when the baby wakes.
until 2:30am when the baby wakes.
This sounds like my life except instead of 4 girls it's boys! haha
Thanks for having me today Rach!
I love the lunch/ trash tv/play date, that would totally be right down my alley! Adorable girls! And cute house too:)
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