Thursday, May 10, 2012

this fine thursday morning:

Chad slept in (til 6:45! Crazy!) with Eden.
I woke up with Maggie just talking away in her low raspy voice around 6.
Lily was up soon after "Mommy I just had a good sleep today!" (she says this every morning).
Then I made break fast bowls:
chicken sausage
green onion

Soon Maggie is ready for nap #1 and gets her second breakfast and is out cold.

Now the girls are making mother's day cards for our nana and grandma. They may involve caterpillars pupating and making a chrysalis (guess what Lily just learned about in school?...) and for Eden I have her tell a story and I draw it, then she paints it. Today was a mommy mean snake eating the fish. And, a dragon eating a butterfly with a flower and a ouchy bee.
Next up? Get ready, then go to a friend's house for lunch.

Today is a good day.

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