Tuesday, January 8, 2008

So long, so long...

I officially have that Dashboard song stuck in my head. Anyways...today is a day of so long to my long time job, a library security guard. I have worked for campus police for about...3 years. What did my job entail you ask? Well, while single, sitting as live bait in the main entrances and getting hit on, many a time by people you wish you could dismiss. But I still 'got it' cause a month ago I got asked out! I about died, I wanted to stand up so he could see my pregnant belly but I was polite and just told him that I was indeed married...I thought adding the kid thing would be a little much:) So basically I just sat at desks and people watched, when alarms went off it was my duty to find out the cause. Nothing really cool happened on any of my shifts, I mean come on A) its Rexburg and B) its BYU-I...not a very rough crowd around here:) So today is my last day, how refreshing, but now what??? I just am just going to be at home waiting to pop. Any advice on how to induce yourself?? Fellow moms, help a sister out.


Jessica Kettle said...

I LOVE that you got asked out. you sooo should have stood up to show off the belly! That would have been awesome. Wow. I can't believe how close you are getting! I am crossing my fingers for an early (but not too early) delivery. I HOPE you don't end up with a nine pounder. That's just cruel.

Jessica Kettle said...

also, i say ask, or rather demand another ultrasound. one is not enough. just ask my sister in law, the one who gave birth to the baby "girl" who in reality was born with a weenie. and it was at your doctors office. woops.

Meredith said...

hahaha... you're SO funny!! I'm with Jessica... I would have stood up or something, i think i would have done it casually... maybe waving to a friend... or going to talk to someone else, but then he would have definatley seen that you were unavailable.....

ps... i did a little search for inducing pregnancy, bumpy car rides, walking, nipple stimulation, and sex were some of the suggestions.... also there was this other thing called "maternity acupressure"... never been there or done that, so i have no idea if it's worth a go.... but whatever you do, have fun!! Love ya!!

Sheena said...

Get frisky with Chad!!!:)

Unknown said...

When I was dying and wanted to have Macey early so I would get out of Parent Teacher Conferences I tried a lot of different things. I drank a lot of Dr. Pepper and walked around Target for a long time. We also took the very long drive out to Eagle Mountain. Apparently it worked cause my water broke not long after our car ride and I was 2 weeks early. Good Luck!!

Carly said...

I have a friend who is a masseuse and apparently there are points on your body where if they are massaged they can induce labor.

also there is this recipe online for eggplant parmesana that will guaranteed induce labor if you are full term-- there's a restaurant that guarantees it, if you dont' go into labor after eating it (from the restaurant) they will give you a gift certificate and they've never issued one or something because it's worked each time-- i did a lot of research on that one when i was pregnant and evidently it really does work-- i just never got that desperate because i was pretty sure i'd have to be induced early regardless.

heres a link to the eggplant parmesana thing and if it doesn't work at least it sounds yummy!:

and here's another link i remember reading when i was ready to pop :)

Carly said...

ok it cut off my links-- i'm going to email them to your byu-i address :)