Friday, January 11, 2008

t-minus 3.5 weeksish?...

So another up-date. Yesterday I went to the doc for my now weekly appt. Everything is going great, blood pressure normal and now I am measuring ON TIME??? I was a little shocked, apparently the measuring can be influenced by how the baby is positioned and what not. Since Lily (as I have stated earlier) is a party animal and moving ALL the time, this is very possible. So really who knows...maybe I wont have such a freakishly large kid as we have been expecting:) But the doc go said 'ahead and have the baby anytime you want now'...k, Ill get right on that right? So I continued to ask more and more questions and yea he said being frisky with the husband is really the only legit natural inducer followed by: 'you may not want to tell your husband that!' So long story short, she could be coming any time really we are hoping sooner than later but my mom made a good point that I can take such good care of her in my tummy now so why rush? Shes warm, fed, sleeps we'll see.... I'm still hoping for a January baby.


Carly said...

You know my birthday is the 28th and I'm pretty cool. ;) Try for that one.

Carly said...

I need to email you to invite you as a reader of our blog :) so email me so I have the right address for sure :)

Caleb said...

Rachel, I check your blog every day for signs of Lily!!! I'm so excited for you guys. Could you email me your address, so that I can send you a present? Can't wait for her to come. Talk to you later, Hannah