Tuesday, March 25, 2008


so Lily rocked auntie Joy`s dress to church, as you can see shes really excited about it:)

we feasted the whole day! 1st we went to the Kettle's (Jess' in-laws) had some awesome rolls and amazing carrot cake with the turkey. then we went over to the Eves and had wonderful roast, and watched 'august rush' which was good and made me miss the cello SO bad, all in all a great day!


April said...

So adorable! I usually argue that boys clothes are much cuter than girls, but Lily in that pink ruffly dress is hard to beat! It sounds like you guys had a great Easter and I agree the food is the best part!

Carly said...

I didn't know you played cello! I played bass in orchestra for a little while, but decided the electric was less huge and embarrassing. haha
I love cello, though, who doesn't? Love that little Lily she's just adorable! If you ever want to get our girls together just call!