Tuesday, March 4, 2008


This weekend Jess, Zach and Janell came out and visited us! It was so nice to have some family around and people to hold Lils (she likes to be held 24/7) We went to my favorite 'the cocoa bean' and later that night we introduced them to Idaho culture and went to the famous 'Big Judds'. It was an adventure:) They also had fun getting Lils dressed for church and stuck a bow on her head, all in all a great weekend and SO nice to see my sisters (and bro-in-law)

Today Lily decided that she really didn't want to take naps, or be let down all morning, she was freaking out the whole time I was in the shower and everything. And finally about 5 minutes ago she fell asleep. Although I am very sleep deprived, have wet hair, no make up and am wearing yet again, tshirt and pj bottoms I can not get enough of this little girl. Its amazing how much I love her! She makes me laugh a lot and is still in the cuddly stage so its so fun for her just to hang out with me, or on me more like it:) I am sad to see her grow up, shes 6 weeks on Saturday! But I am also so excited to see her becoming more and more alert and interactive. Shes just so sweet and all that pain and being extremely uncomfortable during pregnancy/delivery was SO worth it, I'd do it every day for her if I had to.

ps- who ever invented the boppy, seriously, genius.


Carly said...

she's getting chubbers little cheeks! adorable!

i'm glad she fell asleep for ya! stella has her days, even still!

it's worth it, though, just like you said!

Alli said...

Okay, this is totally off your post topic BUT I LOVE you wall decor! I love the way you framed those pictures, and your shelf... everything, it just works! I love it!

Janice said...

She's so cute and it's so fun to see her growing through the photos you post. You're a great mom!

Also, I fixed my "thingy" so you can vote now:)

Jessica Kettle said...

how fun! She looks so adorable in these pics too!