Friday, April 11, 2008

officially out of Rexhole

WE ARE HOME!!!! thats right, we made it. We are officially in Bellingham and all is SO well! Prayers were answered cause Lily was an angel the whole time, she slept almost the whole time we were traveling...amazing! I was totally sure she was going to be freaking out the whole time. So now we are here and loving there not being any snow anywhere! more later, busy busy busy!


Joy Elizabeth Jackson said...

I'm so glad everything went okay. Lily is always an angel, so that's not a huge surprise. :) Can't wait to see you again!

jenn gent said...

Welcome home! Looking forward to seeing you and meeting baby Lily.

A little Birdie... said...

We miss you already. Apparently the person who moved upstairs is a paramedic too and a friend of Gary's. I have yet to know his name, but when and if I do, I'll let you know because you probably know him. Bummer for us though. We lost you and gained a single guy whos never home! I guess the plus side is if I am dying or something, help shouldn't be too far...

Glad Lily was super great for you! Whew! I'll bet you're glad its over though huh?

Carly said...

yahoo!!! good for you guys! kiss seattle for me... just do it. :)

the jensen's said...

We will miss you guys! Hope you have a blast in Washington and then San Diego! Keep in touch!

Janice said...

glad you made it home safely. If Heather ever makes it home we'll have to come up north for a visit:) Have fun unpacking:)

Mama Janice

adrianne said...

while bellingham is great... you're going to LOVE San Diego even more... can't wait for you to get down here!

Caleb said...

Hi Guys!! SO happy to have you here! I have been finishing up my time in the hospital, but I will call when I am done in a couple of days and we'll have to hang out. I was thinking you and Lily and my mom and I should have a tea party. Can't wait to see you,

Hirschis said...

This is kinda random but I am one of TJ's mission companions and I have been trying to catch up with him for awhile now. My name is Mark Hirschi, could you have him email me at Thanks so much.

April said...

Yeah, welcome home! Can't waite to see you and that adorable little Lily!

A little Birdie... said...


royce and aubree said...

i live in moses lake i dont know if you know where that is but its in washington and our little girl grace was so good too she slept the whole time!! aren't we so lucky!! lily is so cute..congrats!