Tuesday, May 6, 2008

how to properly wrap my Lily Belle

Step 1: Place Lils in center of blankie.
Step 2: VERY snugly pull one side of the blankie over and tuck underneath her...so she can not longer wiggle her arms.
Step 3: Pull over the other side of the blankie and tuck it in underneath her, nice and snugly remember, NO wiggles!
Step 4: Fold up the bottom dangely part of the remaining blankie.
Step 5: Tuck in both remaining edges of the blankie underneath and you officially have Lily, or a glow worm, you pick, all ready for bed! Just think of the blankie as a straight jacket for infants.
next step is put the binkie in and bounce/sway for about 5 minutes and shes out!


Brianne said...

So cute. Have you tried the Swaddle Me by Kidpotamus (or something like that). You can get them at Babies R Us and there's another version at Target. Anyway, it velcros and you can change a diaper while keeping the swaddle on. It's AMAZING.

Ryan, Sheena, and Riley said...

Oh man I don't miss swaddling! We FINALLY don't have to do it so tight and have Riley wake up every hour or two because he got out of the swaddle! But she looks very cute!

April said...

Hey Rachel!
I haven't been checking your blog lately because I didn't think that you were posting as much, so I had a lot of cute pictures to look at. I love the ones in Seattle, I'm a little jealous it's so fun and beautiful there plus tulips are my absolute favorite!
The pictures of you swaddling Lily brought back memories of when Evan was a newborn, that was the only way he ever wanted to be! We still need to get together, and still waiting for some warm weather!

Janice said...

Oh, she's getting so big! you and Heather and your little burritos:)

Nana Janice