Thursday, June 5, 2008

sometimes I may still think I am 14...

OH MYLANTA! Breaking Dawn is coming out Aug. 2nd. Could I BE more excited???
I have decided to read the first three between now and then so I can be totally ready for this book....oh I am SO excited. Call me a teenage nerd if you will but I really liked these fact I read all of them in a total of 4 days...yeah. HUGE nerd.

{the first chapter is available online too:,,20203238,00.html


Carly said...

i think i'm the only one commenting on your blog right now... hahahaha, i'm excited too. :)

Meredith said...

so i got your message..... i was in canada. and yes i have all 3, but i'm not exactly sure where they are... in a box somewhere..... which i'm hopefully going to have a chance to unpack next week... it will be good to have access to my stuff again. anyway you can totally read them when i find them.

Brianne said...

I love them too.

Joy Elizabeth Jackson said...

WHAT? The first chapter is online? I would leave a bigger comment, but I must read that.

Jeremy Saunders said...


I have all three if you want to borrow them. Summer is obsessed with these, I liked them okay, got tired of Bella, but love Edward. I am ready for the new one though, now that I have had some time away from Bella's self pitying ways!
Call me if you want them!

the jensen's said...

So obsessed with these books. Have you read her adult novel, The Host? Just came out last month and I barely started it, but good so far. Miss you guys!

Me and My Boys said...

Hey guys I found you off of Meredith's blog, I'm jealous I want to be in Bellingham, Your little girl is so cute! it's good to see you.
Laura Walker Lopez

Kelsey said...

I just re-read the first three last week and I reserved my copy of "Breaking Dawn" months ago. : ) Have you watched the trailer for the movie yet?