Wednesday, July 2, 2008

who would have thought

that I would totally LOVE weird alien and vampire books. I have to say I think I like 'The Host' better than the Twilight series (But for reals I am still SO stoked for the 4th on to come out), there isn't the annoying Bella whining and being so helpless. I finished 'The Host' today and I highly recommend it.


Brianne said...

I finished The Host last week and loved it. I could hardly put it down. I think I might like it better than the Twilight series also. Kelsey says she's coming out with more books to go with The Host. Yea for Stephenie Meyer!

Carly said...

Ooh I'm so excited I'll have to see how cheap it is on amazon...

Meredith said...

i'm so glad you like it.... gives me hope... so far the first chapter isn't really grabbing me. and its good to hear good things about like water for chocolate. I'm excited to start all these new books!!

Jeremy Saunders said...

ah, another person who thinks Bella whines too much! Yeah! That seriously ruined the series for me, without sooo much whining, I do love the series, and the whole vampire thing in washington state, where, yes, its usually always dark! I will have to try the Host!

Jessica Kettle said...

ok really? REALLY??! you of all people...
This hurts me and my brain too.