Wednesday, August 20, 2008

see ya in two years....

No, Chad is not going on another mission for our church. He started grad school today! It is a two year MBA program. Its an intense program, well wouldn't any masters program be? So this basically means I am becoming a single mom for the next two years:) We didn't get to see him much when we were finishing our it will be interesting how it goes at Willamette.
How am I doing? Pretty good, I've turned on my extrovert switch and plan on meeting new friends quick, and also I am a pretty independent girl, so I am really not worried about Lils and I having a lot of fun still. Wish Chad (and Lils and I) luck! I think we're going to need it:)


Carly said...

GOOD LUCK CHAD! (And rach and lily!!)
Man it'd be so sweet if we went there too...
I love Salem! (and the meynders so hey it'd be a win win!)

Joy Elizabeth Jackson said...

Wait, which one is Chad? Good luck! Rach, if you get too bored let me know and I'll come visit or you can come here. Oh! I just had a wonderful idea. I'm going to do something to earn money, save that money, and then come see you. Okay? Now, if you have any idea on how I can make some cash (that does not involve selling my body...) let me know! Chad looks all grown up. :)

Janice said...

You'll do great! Thank goodness for the church because that gives you an instant "in" wherever you go. Besides you can always run to "mama Janice" if you get lonely:)

Ryan, Sheena, and Riley said...

great luck to you guys! Rach we can be singler mom's together now only if we lived closer to each other!

April said...

So does Chad have to dress up like that for school everyday?!