Monday, November 3, 2008

1)listening lesson 2)then a weekend in a flash.

1)Listening Lesson:
We were getting ready to go to Tif's party(Saturday afternoon before our trek to BHAM) when we could NOT find Chads wallet. I mean we seriously turned the house up side down(its still trashed). And the car too(so is the car). When we first started the search I asked Chad if he had checked his back pack and he said: "yeah, twice." We said a prayer asking for some help to find the every time I tell you what.Then we continued searching. By then the car was packed for the weekend and his back pack was in the trunk. I heard a faint whisper say "look in the back pack" but I thought, "that's silly, Chad already checked and I'm just being a crazy wife." STUPID MOVE. Listen to those whispers. After about an hour and a half later,a trip to the University to check Chad's locker, and a cancellation of going to Tifs party (still sad about that) I checked the back pack....where do you think it was? In the stinkn back pack. Lesson learned right?....
THEN this afternoon I went to go get Chad during his break from classes to run some errands and I was at a stop light with a bum on the corner, visibly disabled, asking for help via a card board sign. I am one to give any change I have or a few bucks. Today I had nothing BUT I did have dried cherries. (Complements of my Step-mom, my favorite thing ever mind you) and I heard again that faint whisper "you are so blessed, who are you not to give after all you have been given?" Then out loud I said "But they are dried favorite!" Then proceeded to drive away. STUPID MOVE. Needless to say I said a prayer that that man would be there on the way home so I could give my back of delicious dried cherries to. Prayer answered. I parked car, leaving it on with Lily in the car(free baby and car any one?), ran across the street battling traffic, handed it to him, he smiled, haunched over and said "God bless you!" and I said, "He does!"
2)Now on to the weekend:
This Sunday was Maria Elle Munoz's (Lily's cousin) baby blessing. We left late Saturday afternoon and got to Bham that night. Saw family then left Sunday afternoon to get back to Salem round 8:45 pm. We were in Bham for less than 24 hrs.(So friends up there, please dont be offended, we really did want to see you, lets plan on a reunion at Christmas time k?)
Here is crazy-face-magee as I like to call her. For some dumb reason my pictures will not upload in sorry its jumbled.
What lily did for over 10 hours this weekend. Amazingly she slept really well and didn't freak out too badly. What a champ eh?

craziest face magee. If this doesn't make you laugh, I don't know what will.

Chad holding baby Maria. She is so sweet and tiny (two months old and as big as Lils was at birth) Oh and yes, she does smell SO good.

All we needed was Kayla and all the girl cousins would be there! Isn't Lily beastly next to Maria?!
All in all, a good fun fast trip with way too many carbs.
Thank Mers for the pics...I am a total picture stealer.


Tif said...

So glad you found the wallet! I totally know the feeling...John "threw mine away" this summer...only it was actually still in a pair of my pants that I just never unpacked from like 3 different weekend trips for around 5 weeks! Oops!

So I was all thinking Maria was all Marco. Until I see Chad holding her, and Lily next to her. She's totally a Meynders baby I think!

How's Friday looking for you? Or thursday even. I hope this rain stops soon. I'm tired of it already. I quit. Let's get together sometime and mingle, though. Maybe with Nat and the kiddos?

Southern Belle said...

Lily is so cute and smiley!!!