Thursday, November 13, 2008

faces, insults, and future plans.

does anyone else do this face an average of 100,000 times a day?

I felt sassy today (shouldn't we all?)so I wanted to dress the part. I then questioned my choice and texted one of my best girl friends (not that kinda girl friend, sicko) and my cousin (you are also a best friend, you know?) for some advice. Apparently I am a 'ho' now and Joy and I are getting matching tattoos on our bums and boob jobs and lipo. A lot can happen in a few texts...who knew?
(and yes I did wear red shoes with this outfit.)

1 comment:

Southern Belle said...

Oh that is like my favorite outfit, short skirts and leggings and high heels!! I LOVE it!! Well when I am not pregnant and huge I mean... I am glad I am not the only scandilous mormon, hahahha, jk