Wednesday, April 29, 2009

a little slice of morning

Typically I am woken with a good bye kiss and we exchange whispered "I love you's".
Then I listen I to Chad scurry out the door...I lay there for a few minutes and secretly hope he missed the bus so that Lily and I can take him to school (=more time with him).
Today I was in luck!
bum change
Ok we can go
When we get back Lily will 'walk her puppy' (its her monkey leash tied to her doggy).
Since Easter and seeing Porter and Misha (family dogs) being on a leash, everything is 'walked' the blender with its cord, her doggie, her much more.
For breakfast:
1 egg, scrambled
1/2 bosch pear, diced up
1 egg, boiled
the other 1/2 of the pear

Total prayers said during our 10 minute breakfast: 16 today
Soundtrack of this morning:Weezer, the newest album
If we are really lucky and its not raining, after we clean up, we head out and walk for a few miles. And Lily barks at everything.
I don't know what kind of tree this is, but its by far my favorite, I cant get over these flowers!

We came back today and I made whole wheat banana bread that actually is amazing.
Ill post the recipe someday. Makes your house smell soooooo good. Come over and take a wiff if you dont believe me.
So there you have it folks, a peek at what our mornings look like.
May seem like a whole lot of boring but I sure do love it and its simplicity.
Life is good.

ps-I want a vanilla cupcake real bad right now. REAL BAD. With vanilla frosting. Salem needs a cup cake shop.


Carly said...

life is so good- thanks for blogging rach haha :)

aren't babies the best.

Jeremy Saunders said...

you just read Nie didn't you? She's so awesome, and still inspiring through all the trials!

Vashti said...

what a wonderful morning routine! we try to get outside as much as we can too, makes for much happier babies and mommies ;)

Anonymous said...

Definitely post your whole wheat banana bread recipe! I LOVE banana bread and want to try your recipe!! Love you sis!

Clayton and Camea said...

I'm pretty sure that's a dogwood tree.