So I have been asked about my stroller, and so I figured,
why not post about it so everyone can learn?

{what happens in our house if you try to pull my earrings out.
I will eat you up.}
Phil and Teds are wicked expensive brand new ($400-600ish sometimes) but the craigslist gods smiled upon us and we got it for waaaaaayyyy cheap. It was meant to be, the lady said, and I quote:
"It just feels like you were meant to have it". Wowza.
It fits through doors like a dream, verses the BOB that really can't fit through any. It runs great, I take it about 4 miles a day and is smooth. At first my concern was that the girls would be upset being in the back, but really do not care and Lily actually prefers it!
The first time we saw one was in Hawaii, and we vowed then and there that we would have one. We saw one at the park a few months later and the mom let me push it and run around a little with it to test it. It was love.
Long story short: Get a Phil and Ted. On craigslist.
{This message was not sponsored by Phil and Ted
...but it should have been.}
I dream about that stroller. I look on craigslist ALL the time, but people just have too many kids here and thus things go quick. Perhaps one day the Craigslist God's will smile on me too. :)
ha! that is funny! i have the bob revolution double and the phil and teds. i love both for different reasons, but i'm impressed that you can run with the phil and teds without hitting your knees.
i love the phil and teds for weaving in and out of clothing racks at the mall for sure! and, the bob, of course for running!
That is what I thought it was... dang it! My sis in law has that stroller, I think she paid like over $600 for it... I liked it but it did not like me, every time I was in charge of the stroller it would tip backwards with kids in it! It would be so nice to have one to fit through doors though! I am excited for you that you found a great deal on it! There are sometimes bobs on craigslist but they always want like $300-$400 for it, and that is way more than I want to spend... I may just have to stick to the Wal-Mart brand! The single one worked fine! Hopefully the double will be okay too:) Thanks for sharing!!
I think the reason you got honked at is because your a hot momma!
I'm glad you were able to improvise with the wheat flour. Now you can eat twice as many:)
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