Hola Tuesday-ers. Today Allie is sharing with us her life, on a tuesday. I honestly don't know much about Allie, but I do know: shes got a couple adorable kids, and she's got great style. And she made me really crave raspberries. And I'm glad we're now blog friends.
Here ya go!!:
up at 7. what's on the line up?
start on the chores and sweep til the floor's all clean.
polish and wax, do laundry and mop and shine up....
wait, that's not us. up around 8 and I'm not a very consistent housekeeper.

second day of 1st grade for the girl. smoothies for breakfast and pb&j in her lunch tin. I've been firmly instructed to always always include an "i♥u" note so I do. then get dressed and some bed jumping.
ready for school HOORAY! max is starting 2-year-old-learn-your-colors-mom-co-op-preschool today so he's equally excited. and ready for RED day.
on the way to school we look for our favorite flowers and then yell HOLLYHOCKS!! when we spot them. notice that wyoming's not that warm at 9am. on the way home we look to see if there are any trains passing through town.

hi, home. check that I'm not going to forget anything today. select some red books since preschool is at our house today.
see? bad laundress as well. pictures must be out of order since max is suddenly undressed but never you mind that. I rarely get myself ready before school anyway but our typical tuesday was untypically busy so I had to get a head start. my old lady grandma house bathtub tile is awesome and max always sneaks in during my shower to rar like a dinosaur at me.

max watches thomas in my bedroom. I use my awesome hippie lady essential oils. I love a grapefruit smelling shower.

ready. in Lily's room for a good light picture. her mini dollhouse room probably also has good light. decorations leftover from a back to school party. clean up the living room a bit so there is plenty of space for five 2 and 3 year olds to make a mess.

we created our own props for a magnificent performance of "ladybugs fly" to the tune of three blind mice. we also sailed through the stories and activities in no time at all so we had to come up with more activities, like being pirates. when we were digging for treasure I asked what they were finding and I believe the answers were: kittens, dinosaurs, batman, treasure & a quarter!

max was particularly excited about making ladybug apple-peanut-butter-pretzel-chocolate chip snacks. the day was a success in my mind because he didn't try to bite anyone and handled sharing the trains like a 2 year old in a good mood should.

red light green light in the backyard. or we should have probably called it "run around in a pack when mom yells go and then crash into her and laugh like crazy people and then repeat. also get distracted by the swings and dirt and a bug". it's only a half day of real school today so time to pick up lily!

practice smoldering. max gets a star for putting his shoes away. he doesn't really get a star. we don't do stars. but he would if we did.

gonna watch a show to settle a bit and cuddle all squished onto one chair. photo editing time. boor-ring.

max needs a nap. he chooses the ever exhilarating read: Salty's Secret from my ipod and goes to sleep. I can't not take a picture of him nearly every day when he falls asleep.

run to do some raspberry picking at grandma's. dad comes home so max does an encore performance of ladybugs fly on the stage.

the girls in my little church class earned themselves a pizza party while we talked about goals so dinner was easy. words with friends with husband. my best move of my life happens but sadly it was not against him. he usually beats me.

husband going to play soccer with some neighborhood fellas. we ride our bikes over. we'll be covered in snow soon enough so we live outside while we can.

lily's little friend brought her bat & ball and somehow taught lily enough in an hour to really actually hit a pitched ball! 10 times! max...not so much. time to go home. time for bed. next week let's not cram everything into one day, okay family?

Thanks Allie!
Check out Allie's blog HERE. It's adorable.
Want to share a typical tuesday with us?!
Please do! I need more people.
email me, k?
Want to share a typical tuesday with us?!
Please do! I need more people.
email me, k?
love these colorful pics!
Very cute.
What a good mommy!
Tuesdays might stand a chance in the running for new fave day! Great pics! Luv this girl!
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