Monday, June 18, 2012

WA blackberries > AR blackberries

It's true, berries from the great North West are superior to all other berries.
We went blackberry picking with some friends tonight and the berries were tiny, and rather bitter. Like, so bitter when we made fresh blackberry milkshakes, we could only take a few bites and then dump them. Sad day for us milkshake lovers.
But, it was still fun.
90* out, crickets going crazy, kids laughing and pretending, and the nice breeze, it was so beautiful.
It reminded me so much of Blueberries For Sal, you know, that children's book? I kept calling Lily and Eden my baby bears. They would giggle and then respond with something like: "Noooo, I'm a pony." Or "Nooooo, I'm a tyranadon." Or "Noooo I'm Maximus." Or "Nooooo I'm a reindeer.".

And then to top off the evening, Eden stepped smack dab in the middle of a cow pie. On a tiny two year old, that's like mid calf deep in cow crap my friends. 
Always an adventure.

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